An Andrew Moodie Production
A dramatic and often humorous look at six black Canadians of diverse backgrounds who share a Toronto house. Their lives unfold against the backdrop of civil unrest, which erupted when the Los Angeles police officers on trial for the beating of Rodney King are acquitted. The fracas outside keeps intruding as characters clash and collide about everything from racism to the status of Quebec as a distinct society, from Malcolm X to Much Music VJays.
Content Advisory: Intense Language, Violence, Gun Violence, Sexual Content, Racial Slurs and Slurs towards 2SLGBTQ+ community.
Season’s Anthology Series
Exploring the theme of Love and its varying aspects, using the Seasons as inspiration. This anthology series project was to challenge herself to write in different genres and get experimental with her films.
Poster Concept Art.
Draft Color Index: White (First Draft, Unrevised), Blue (Revised), Pink (Final Draftings), Green (Shooting Script)